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😭😭😭my wednesdays😭😭😭
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ochiody · 8 months ago
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give odysseus loser hair please. thanks supergiant
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lemongogo · 6 months ago
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life of regret
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shigeoreum · 2 months ago
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hiiii.... been a while since i uploaded anythin... have some daforge ^_^ watching TNG so far has been an Experience for sure
(was gonna color but ive been too lazy nowadays. or i guess busy is the better word. w some personal projects 😏 and work 🙄)
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tianhai03 · 7 months ago
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im a little late to it but have a dante for dmc1's anniversary 🫶
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rebelsafoot · 1 year ago
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do you guys ever think about how lee was originally conceptualized as a woman haha because i do
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girlbossvicvega · 4 months ago
ik it was intended primarily for funny show reasons but shassie is just a crazy dichotomy. Guy with commitment issues vs guy who commits too hard. Guy with no dad vs guy with too much dad. Guy with net negative social skills who desperately wants them vs guy with incredible insight into people who hates himself for having it. Guy who’s surly and mean to hide need to be loved vs guy who’s breezy and charming to hide need to be loved
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spear-gsun · 7 months ago
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Happy 20 years to the Imperishable Night
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edwinisms · 9 months ago
I feel like in the chaos of things they kinda glossed over possibly the most viscerally horrifying scene and concept in the show, ie; “…where did all the blood go?” “that was the last me,” and charles slowly lifting his lantern up to see the doll spider literally tearing edwin– not just a replica of edwin but literally the body of edwin from just a minute or two earlier– apart limb from limb, torn in half at the waist. then as he moves the lantern a bit to the side he’s met with an entire bloody pile of dismembered, decapitated, eviscerated edwin parts, from god knows how many killings.
like. charles must have persistent fucking nightmares about that right? in the moment he was focused on getting out of there and had to stomach it to move on, but afterwards? i think that must legitimately be the most gruesome, graphic thing he’s ever seen in his entire life/afterlife. i can’t think of anything that could be worse than that. it’s bad enough on it’s own, the live, constant mutilation happening to anyone, but then on top of it all it’s not just anyone– it’s his best friend, the most important person in the world to him.
ghosts can’t exactly sleep, but he must at least get flashbacks, or be triggered on occasion to an extent that makes him feel sick. i dont even know what that'd do to a person honestly, but it'd be hard (if not impossible) even for a pro-internalizer like charles to suppress that memory completely and not be tortured by it for an indefinite amount of time.
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segernatural · 1 year ago
sure it was a perfect storm of a pressure cooker but i promise destiel was about destiel
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yippee-optimistically · 3 months ago
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i love enjoying Bad Media bc theres so much for me to fix and play around with . mutant apocalypse is sooo stupid. fascinating tho. heres a little mikey adjustment. still rolling around the timeline and his relationship to meerkats in my brain
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more mutant apocalypse rant below bc . ough. my gosh. incoherent but whateva
i think mutant apocalypse is REALLY INTERESTING IDEA!!!! a fun what-if. it obv cant actually happen bc Renet exists and she is from The Future a Human. and who with mutagen is gonna do that ????? but alas.
i also dont hate how little was explained !!! like mikey and the meerkats or what happened to casey and april. we didnt really need exact history for it to make sense in the moment. but i dont think raph got enough explanation on his amnesia ?? its mentioned like. 2 or 3 times. did i miss something
i wish leo got a better design bc maximus kong is FUGLYYYYYY and easily tops mikey on Unpleasant Design. but mikey still makes me so sad. why can i count his teeth. why is he wearing underpants. get outtt man!!!!!!! and their designs dont need to be cute or pretty. leo is literally double mutated. i just wish she didnt LOOK LIKE THAT.
been playing around with the idea of mikey still being left alone in the beginning (obv with a much smaller chompy and ice cream kitty) and then finding some early meerkat village. they help him out maybe in contrast to previous groups being hostile and thats why they specifically get the map. they only way i can think of him getting the location and road markings is some form of astral projection?? like projecting to the oasis and making his way back to himself. but i dont think thats how it works. but who cares
i think bc of that mikey would also be a lot more familiar with meerkat culture and him n mira bond over it. anyway. yap over
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destinyesque · 2 years ago
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nekrosmos · 2 months ago
Nekro, Nekro! I come barrelling in with a something, with limited grammatical clarity because my brain is more fried than a Mars Bar in Glasgow.
I was just reading your and Gomz's Plant Dad Price AU and I saved this cat because I was like "hmmm, this animal is giving Nikprice" and I wasn't sure how. But!
Plant Dad Price adopting things that no one else wants. This fluffy Maine Coon has a serious attitude problem, but adopts Price as its person. It starts off as a scraggly, skinny, lanky thing, with patches missing. Noe, it's fucking HUGE. Can use Johnny as a scratching post. Seems to have a knack for sniffing out explosives.
Enter: Demolition Cat.
It tolerates Nik.
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DEMOLITION CAT !!! The newest 141 member, probably the fiercest one at that (Definitely has something against Johnny, keeps biting his hands. Is okay with Simon, stray cats respecting each other. Keeps sleeping on Gaz's stuff and puts hair everywhere.)
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Also, Price just gives "dad who didn't want a cat" vibe, doesn't he?
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Well look at him now :3c
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cheekinpermission · 3 months ago
Omg guys help i fell down the aceyuu rabbit hole and i can't find my way out the fanart is fanarting
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kore-cryptid · 2 years ago
"miguel is the villain spot is the villain miles himself is the villain" no youre all wrong the REAL TRUE villain of atsv was that bitch ass school counselor lady
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rigginsstreet · 7 months ago
The thing about billy is that he was marked for death the second his mom left him with neil.
He was either gonna die by Neil’s hands or, as we saw on the show, he was gonna go down such a self destructive path it would send him into an early grave of his own making.
So him dying at 18 isn’t really shocking. The part of it that was never written in the stars for him previously is that in his final moments he got to take some of his power back. He made the choice to stand against his abuser (the mindflayer) in the name of saving someone else. He got to fight back against the thing controlling him and contribute to its demise. Something he likely would’ve never gotten a chance to do with neil.
The tragedy is that he dies anyway, and no one can even give him the courtesy of acknowledging what that tragedy is. Not the writers, not the fandom, not the characters within the show.
His death becomes Max’s tragedy, it can’t even be his own. Nobody cares what billys death means in the context of billys life. Just like how nobody cared about billy when his mom left or when his dad was getting physical with him or when he started lashing out because of the abuse.
Nobody ever cared for billy, so why was he expected to care about anyone else?
He was never treated as a person, just a presence. And an inconvenient one at that. So of course he was never gonna make it to a long fulfilling life. And nobody ever thought to step in and intervene because well, Billys a problem, right? So what does it matter if he’s gone?
And you start to realize how inherently cruel the entire stranger things narrative is because there’s a clear line of people “worth” saving and those who aren’t. And if someone’s too much trouble then well, they’re expendable.
Billy was too much trouble for his mom to make her clean escape. He was too much trouble for not fitting in to Neil’s ideals of the perfect son. He was too much trouble for max as a brother. Too much trouble with all the rage and hate he had built up for the world around him for not protecting him.
So in the end, really, what was left for him to do?
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